We are pleased to announce that we have received a $10,000 matching contribution that will go a long ways toward making Project Samuel self sufficient! From now till November 1st all funds Relationships For Christ Ministries raises toward our Zambian project’s self sustainability will be matched up to $10,000! You can help us make Project Samuel a lasting ministry by making a contribution today. Go to http://www.rfcministries.org/donations and make a contribution that will be matched up to $10,000! Read more about our self sustainability plan below.
As many of you know it is our desire to make Project Samuel a lasting ministry in Chibombo District, Zambia. Part of that plan has included our farm project, poultry production, and up coming Aquaponics systems. These three areas have the potential to produce enough food for our children as well as revenue to pay all our project’s monthly operating expenses.
This past year we began our farm project by planting two staple crops…maize and sunflower. Maize will function as a food crop for our children and a cash crop to be sold. Sunflower will used to produce oil for our biodiesel production and food for the Tilapia, a vital part of our Aquaponics system.
Recently, Brenden began a test of the poultry and egg production by purchasing several cages of laying hens. We are pleased to announce that early results indicate that the market is there for all the eggs we can produce and the profit margin is high enough to allow us to generate the revenue we expected. Now all that is left to do is build the production houses and expand the number of cages. In addition, Project Samuel has steadily increased the number of broiler chickens we produce as we gain valuable information about the production and sale of this part of our poultry project. We feel that we have developed the market and now it is time to build our broiler house and begin large scale production.
We are scheduled to begin construction of the first of our Aquaponics systems in November. This facility will produce both Tilapia and table vegetables for our children. We anticipate when at full production the fish portion will not only provide valuable meat protein for our orphans but also a reliable stream of revenue to help make us self sufficient! There is a ready market for as much fish as we can produce so we anticipate having four (4) systems operating by the end of 2014.
This matching contribution will enable us to build our first egg production house and our first Aquaponics system. You can help us make that TWO egg production houses and TWO Aquaponics systems by making a matching contributions today! Please go online and make your matching contribution today!