Some Family Highlights
Over the last few months, we’ve had such a lot of fun as a big Project Samuel Family. One of the highlights was sports day, where all the kids broke into teams and competed in relay competitions, soccer and volleyball games, and even a tug of war and a singing competition! At the last minute Uncle Brenden got recruited to one of the teams, and his lively participation made the day extra fun – and very funny!
Another highlight has been that we were recently gifted with the finances to buy a piano keyboard! The kids have had lots of fun practicing worship songs. Many of them have been enjoying trying their hand at this new instrument. A few who already knew how to play are extra excited to have this wonderful addition to use for Sunday singing and music practice.
Another adventure this past week was that our boys all packed up and went on an overnight camping trip (on our property!) It was a fun boys’ bonding time. They must have really enjoyed it as they are now suggesting it become a weekly event!
Over the last month the girls have also had two sleepovers (older and younger girls) out in the new flats. These evenings have been full of games, popcorn and facemasks, as the girls made lasting memories together.
Little Isaiah joined our Project Samuel Zambia family a few weeks ago! He is six years old and just as cute as can be. This little man lost his mother in a house fire, and his surviving family isn’t able to care for him. It is our joy and calling to love such children and we welcome Isaiah with open arms! A transition like this is huge for a six-year-old and it took him a few days to settle in and start to relax. He now is as happy as can be! We pray that Project Samuel will be a place of safety, growth, belonging and laughter for him in the years to come.
Sharing Love
Sofia (our summer intern from Canada) has been with us just over three months now. Her presence is a joy and blessing to all of us. She has been spending her days tutoring and loving our children and reaching out to our community. To hear more about her time at Project Samuel check out this blog she’s just written!
“A Big Airplane!”
That’s right, in Alivia’s words, “We get to go on a big airplane!” Our family (Brenden, Kim and the girls) have been asked to attend Project Samuel’s annual Auction Dinner in Texas this year, so we plan to arrive just before the event and be there to see many of you that special October evening! From there we’ll spend some time catching up with those in the Houston area. We also plan on taking a number of short road trips to spend time and share with others who live further afield. In early December we’ll be up in North Vancouver, Canada. We praise God that we’ve already found accommodation, and we look forward to connecting with our church and seeing those of you there!
Thank you for your continued support of Project Samuel Zambia, your sponsored children, and our family! Sending all our love across the miles.
Brenden, Kim, Livie, Alissa and our Project Samuel Family