As I stood and admired the beauty and power of Victoria Falls, I could hear God speaking to me. I found myself in awe of the falls even though they are not flowing at full capacity at this time. The water rushed with such awesome power as it plunged several hundred feet into the gorge below. No matter where you stood you were covered in the mist formed by the falling water hitting the river that flowed through the gorge. It was such a breath taking sight to see. However, the thing that impacted me the most was the encouragement I got from my Heavenly Father.
Amanda and I are in the beginning stages of Project Samuel Latin America. We have been in Zambia training at Project Samuel Zambia for nearly 7 months and have learned so much that will be vital to the future ministry in Nicaragua. But to be transparent with you, I have to say the beginning of something so important and so large can be quite overwhelming.
There are literally hundreds of things that must fall into place in order to break ground in Latin America and most of them are completely out of our control. These things can all be seen as huge obstacles to our human eye. I find myself asking sometimes, “How are we ever going to do this?!”
I walked away from Victoria Falls that day with a new perspective. As I watched the water flow off the edge into the gorge and splash below, God said to me “That powerful flow of water represents your obstacles through the human eye. Something too large to move or change.”
About that moment I began to wipe the mist and small drops of water from my arms and face and He said to me, “Those small annoying drops on your face…they are those very same obstacles through My eyes. They will always be there but I can easily wipe them away. They can bother you but they have no power to stop My will from happening in your life.”
Our raging river is but a mist to God!