Children are now living at Project Samuel! Children also need to eat and I can tell you that eight children can eat a lot of food, and that’s not mentioning the fact that Project Samuel will have over two hundred children once completed. It is important that the children maintain a healthy diet that will help them keep up in school and other activities throughout the day. With that in mind, Project Samuel has begun our poultry project thanks to key supporter who have given to build and develop this part of our project.
The poultry project that Project Samuel is implementing is not just for consumption though. For every chicken that produces, there is a projected 1/3 profit margin. That means that for every $600.00 invested, the projected return would be $800.00 with a projected profit of $200.00. As you can see this project has a lot of potential for Project Samuel. Think about it for a moment, if we were to invest $10,000 that would buy us 10,000 chickens. The return would be $13,330 with a profit of $3,330. That would take care of the needs of one home full of children plus over the course of a year, provide us with enough profit to build another home. You can see why I am excited about the potential of the program.
Not only will Project Samuel’s layers and broilers be used for food and revenue, but they will be used for training as well. Many people in the village have lost their chickens due to disease and other issues but with help from Project Samuel and access to hands on training, medicine, and other chicken supplies, we can help them start a program of their own that will feed their villages and even make them a profitable grower.
By working together with the community, Project Samuel will not only provide for the orphans and give them a brighter tomorrow, but also the hungry, homeless, weak, cold, and ill families that suffer everyday because of the lack of knowledge and experience. We give them a chance to provide for themselves using the poultry that is readily available to them. Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach him how to fish, he eats for a lifetime. Teach him to teach others how to fish and together, we change the world!