How Does Donate Your Birthday Work?
Donate Your Birthday allows you to donate your special day to the cause of helping at risk children around the world. When you donate your birthday on the website, a request comes up for you to enter up to 50 emails of your closest friends. Each of your friends then receives an email directing them to the donate your birthday website, where they can give a gift in your honor. Gifts range from items like where most needed, to farm animals such as chickens or goats, or even items like clean water projects.
Who Does Donate Your Birthday Benefit?
Each gift, given in your honor goes to benefit at risk children around the world. Project Samuel serves the needs of the whole child including body, spirit, and mind. This includes feeding hungry children, providing education and vocational training, and sharing the message of hope found in the gospel. Your gift benefits those children as we are renewing minds, and changing lives.
Where Do The Gifts go?
When a friend gives a cash gift like $5 or $10, the money is used where the need is greatest. When they specify a specific item, like a pair of shoes, or a school uniform their gift actually goes to purchase the item that they gave in your honor and is given to a child in need. Each project that is supported receives the funds given. When you share the cost on a larger item, the money is contributed to the designated account until the amount needed is reached. So if you shared the cost on building a children’s home, the money would held in acct # 0315 Build a Children’s Home until the total has been reached and construction can begin.
How Much Of My Gift Goes to Benefit Children In Need?
100% of every gift goes to meet the needs of at risk children around the world. When you give a cash gift the money is used where the need is greatest. When you give a pair of shoes or a school uniform the money actually goes to what you gave.
How Can I Donate My Birthday?
Donating your birthday is simple and fun. All you have to do is click on “I’d Like to Donate My Birthday” link, register your name, email, and birthday, and enter up to 50 emails of your closest friends. That’s It. Once you have donated your birthday we will send you an email with all the great gifts that have been given in your honor.
When Can I Donate My Birthday?
Right now. You can donate your birthday at any time. Our system will send out an email 30 days before your birthday to let you and your friends know about the exciting opportunity to share your birthday with at risk children around the world.
How Do I Invite Others To Donate Their Birthday?
Simple. Just click here, and enter their email. We will send them an invite on your behalf.
How Do I Let My Friends On Social Media Know I Donated My Birthday?
Letting others know that you have donated your birthday is simple. After you enter your friends emails on the donate your birthday site, you will be given a link to copy and paste into social media. Tell others about how you have donated your birthday by leaving a short comment, and invite them to join your cause.
What Makes Relationships For Christ Ministries and Project Samuel Different?
We exist to serve the needs of at risk children, to release them from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults and leaders in their communities. Everything we do is to minister to the complete child, helping them to grow in all areas of their life.
Christ Centered
Jesus is at the heart of RFC’s ministry, and every child we minister to has the opportunity to hear the gospel in an age appropriate and culturally relevant way.
Child Focused
RFC focuses on the individual child and his or her development. A transformed child will inevitably change his or her environment.
A Whole Child Ministry
RFC focuses on the complete child. If we just feed and house them then we have failed in our calling.