Statistic show that approximately one-third of all Nicaraguan children never enroll in elementary school, fail to attend, or drop out before reaching the sixth grade. The majority of these children drop out in first grade, before they learn the reading and math skills they need to succeed in life. The leading cause of this is poverty. This statistic just breaks my heart. Every child deserves the opportunity to receive an education and a better future.
These are not the only factors that the children of Nicaragua are up against though. Other risks that threaten the well-being of Nicaragua’s children and youth are malnutrition, teenage pregnancy and early marriages, child trafficking and sexual exploitation, and gang involvement. These are all preventable causes and something can be done about them.
This is why I believe Project Samuel is needed in the country of Nicaragua and these statistics are why we are going there. These children need to know the love of Christ AND his church. I believe that Project Samuel will give these children a new hope, a new future, and rewrite several stories that have been written off as “at risk”.