She owns a shop and runs a restaurant in Mashikili village. She also manages a huge farm and orchard. No matter how busy Miss Nora is, she always stops to fellowship with us!
Last week in the Womens’ Bible study at our church she told the story of Mary and Martha. She told about how Martha was so busy preparing her home for Jesus while her sister Mary, sat at Jesus’ feet and fellowshipped with Him. The story goes on to tell how upset Martha got with her sister for her lack of help in preparation. Jesus, however, exhorts Mary for valuing His presence over the task at hand.
Listening to this story, I was very moved! We have been so busy here at Project Samuel preparing the houses for our summer teams, how ironic! We have been repairing, cleaning, and painting the children’s homes. Other projects have also been underway that have taken much time and energy. The kids have been so patient with us as we have been working. They would sneak into the house to “ask a question” just to see what we are doing and to be with us. As Miss Nora told the story, I couldn’t help but to ask myself, which sister am I most like? Martha, busy, working away her opportunity to spend time with her guest. Or am I like Mary, who weighed the options of the task and the relationship, and who seized her chance to spend time with The Lord?
One thing I have learned, especially being task-oriented, is that there will always be work to do, “The Task” is never ending, but our lives fade as flowers. It is so important that we find a balance in life between doing the work and taking in the moment. Being here at Project Samuel, there is much to do, and it will probably always be that way. But, the relationship with these kids is once in a lifetime. One day they will get older and we will get older and we will part ways. One day, the paint will fade, and the buildings will crumble, but these memories will remain. One day, we will look back on these times and we won’t think of the buildings, the projects, the work, we will remember the people who touched our lives in ways that have changed us forever. One day we will realize it’s not at all about what we do, but about who we do it for!
“But The Lord said to her, ‘My dear Martha, you are so worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her’.” -Luke 10:41-42 NLT