Last Saturday, there was a death in the family of the village next to us. The entire village attended the funeral, and everyone went to be with the family in their home afterward.
As you all know, Saturday is our outreach day. Earlier, Pastor Tendai, who normally gives the lesson for our outreach, called to say he was going to be unable to attended. Rebekah and I asked who wanted to teach Bible study, and Lizzie volunteered! She chose to teach on Esther. I can’t tell you how my heart absolutely swelled with joy and pride as she lead the children in song, then the bible lesson. About the time the children started to sing , four women from the family who were visiting for the funeral, emerged from the bush to gather water from our well. They drifted past us as we sat gathered under the mango trees. “Oh precious is the flow, that makes me white as snow.” They passed by us silently as the light from the sunset fell through the trees. The sorrow from their eyes lifted slightly, and they wore small smiles as the voices of the children filled the air. They walked past us on their way home, smiling slightly as they carried the water for the grieving family on their heads. The children’s voices followed them back through the bush the way they came, and with each step they carried a blessing. “No other ‘fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus.”