Project Samuel took another step forward in our vision of ministering to at risk children around the world this past December 18, 2013 by officially taking its first steps in building Project Samuel Latin America. Missionaries, Chris and Amanda Poole, along with President of Relationships for Christ Ministries Inc., Timothy J. Vowell, put $10,000 as a down payment on approximately nineteen acres thirty minutes West of Managua, Nicaragua. The land, though it is not wide, it is more than long enough to support our outreach efforts to minister to children and aid in our future sustainability of the project. The name, Project Samuel, is inspired from the son of Hannah in the Bible. Samuel was a transitional leader for Israel, and helped guide the nation of Israel into its most prosperous time, the time of the kings. The land is fertile farmland in an impoverished rural community, and has upwards of 200 potential “young Samuels” that need to know Christ, his comfort and love, an education, and adequate nutrition.
Relationships for Christ Ministries Inc. is a missions organization that has been in existence since 2000. They are dedicated to empowering people around the world to partner with communities to touch the lives of hurting people. RFCM has been doing ministry with Pastor Bismark Quinto, pastor at La Vid Veradera a church in the city of Managua, since 2005. Timothy Vowell stated, “I remember when the two of us were sitting around his dinner table talking about the possibility of one day having Project Samuel in Nicaragua. It was just a distant thought, as we were beginning to build the first Project in Zambia, but now the time has come for that distant thought to become a reality. God has been in this the whole way through.”
The start of this new project in Nicaragua is a huge step for Relationships for Christ Ministries and Project Samuel Latin America. For years we have been developing and growing our first Project Samuel in Zambia, Africa. Now God has made it possible to take the next step in our global vision. God is literally taking this ministry to a whole new level. Project Samuel Latin America will allow us to minister to both the Nicaraguan people as well as those who have a heart for Latin America worldwide. The location of the land couldn’t be more perfect for this. It is a very central location just twenty minutes from the international airport, therefore making it a valuable hub in the future as Project Samuel begins expanding throughout Central and South America.
When God made it possible for RFCM to start the initial steps of establishing Project Samuel in Nicaragua, Pastor Quinto was right there ready to help. He was fundamental in locating a suitable plot of land, negotiating the price, and navigating the necessary contracts. When the plot was found, Timothy, along with Board Member Jody Glazner, flew down to see and assess it in person as soon as possible. Mr. Glazner shared his thoughts on his first experience traveling to Nicaragua with RFCM, ” I had never seen poverty like that in my life. They had nothing, yet they were full of humility and joy. The children would hug you then laugh and run to hide, peeking around at you from the closest building.” He also reflected, “Its perfectly situated between three different communities, it will create jobs to help people work year round and not just two months a year. I knew in my heart that this was the land God had ordained for Project Samuel Nicaragua.”