It’s a bright and sunny day here at Project Samuel in Chibombo, Zambia. We have just said goodbye to the last of our wonderful summer mission’s teams/visitors and our children are enjoying their last few days of holidays before school starts up again. This last month has been a great joy for all of us as we’ve been strengthened and encouraged through our visitors, shared lots of laughs, and grown together.
Having our kids off school has given us lots of time to spend together and reconnect. We’ve been reminded once again what a wonderful group of young people God has brought together to form our Project Samuel Family. This past weekend we had our University students home for a short visit as well. Hearing the shouts of joy and delights as they arrived and reconnected with their younger brothers and sisters warmed all our hearts.
We had two different groups here with us this summer. The first was a team from Christ Church, Louisiana and they spent their time running a week–long teaching (similar to a Vacation Bible School). They focused their training around the armor of God and had elaborate and beautiful craft projects for the kids to create each day. We got to see so much creativity emerge from our children as they learned God’s truth and built new friendships. The team also ran a magnificent Project Samuel Day reaching out to 150 kids in our local community sharing joy and hope! Papa T (Timothy Vowell) was able to accompany this team and it was fun for the kids to reconnect with him and for our newer children to meet the Project founder.
We then had a few young ladies from North Shore Alliance Church, in Canada, visiting here with us. They focused on much needed tutoring support for our children. Charlotte primarily supported our highschoolers in math studies, and Sofia worked with our younger ones on their alphabet, reading and numbers. Along with helping with numerous projects, they ran a girl’s outreach where our highschoolers invited their friends and spent an afternoon being reminded of God’s promises and having fun together! We were also blessed by them redecorating our Early Learner’s Classroom, filling our walls with exciting learning materials and our cupboards with additional beginner books.
As a Vowell family (Brenden, Kim, Alivia and Alissa) we are all doing well! Most of you have probably heard that we are excited to be expecting again and are looking forward to the arrival of our new little one late November/early December this year. We had a very rocky start to the pregnancy but have joyously been given the all clear. The doctors tell us we’ll soon have another little princess! The girls are delighted. We’ve made the decision to remain in Zambia for her birth and have connected with a great doctor at a new private hospital where we feel confident we will receive excellent care. Our Project kids are over the moon that they will get to meet their new little sister so soon this time and everyone is looking forward to her arrival. By staying it means we’ll all get to spend Christmas here together, which is another added bonus!
Thank you for your continued support of our children, our Vowell family, and the Project Samuel Ministry. Lives are being changed and transformed each day (one math lesson, hot meal, girl’s day, smile, hug, and community outreach at a time)! We couldn’t do this without you.
Many blessings,
Kim, Brenden (and our Big Project Samuel Family)